And so it Begins

18 Aug 2006

As once said by the great Sir Winston Churchill, “This is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.” And on that note, summer break comes to a close. Today marks my last day at Emerson, and tomorrow the first day of real semester preparations. Its been an amazing summer (and one I won’t soon forget – stay tuned for my “summer story”), and I’ve had some great times, met some great people, and seen some great places. I wish to thank everyone that’s helped make it so amazing, including my cousin in Columbus (for keeping me), the Flandrys (for letting me play and hang out), Justin (for the good times), Ryan (for the exercise and the good times), Amy-Elizabeth (for letting me come hang out in Atlanta), and everyone else that I crashed with, annoyed, and partied with this summer!

Despite the wonderfulness of the summer, I have missed everyone from Macon and I’m looking forward to the many adventures that I’m sure await me over the coming months. On another note, I’m going to be focusing on class and rush a lot over the next few weeks, so the updates probably won’t be quite as frequent. However, I will try to keep up with the posts as I get into the thick of it – I have all sorts of exciting things to post about (like rush and senior design projects). Also, be sure to check back for my collection of ATO Recruitment/Rush Posters, which has been one of my “side projects” this summer.

Oh, and congratulations on your beautiful wife Ryan!